The image shows a gym machine

7 reasons to start boxing

We are all aware that boxing will have benefits for our physical health. However, there are so many more benefits. Most of us are usually timid to think about boxing. Or let alone unaware of how it could be great for our bodies.

Most of us might think we have to engage a trainer. Or maybe go to leisure centre that has boxing equipment. In a time where we had to experience doing everything indoors during lockdown. Boxing is not just for the professionals. It is for us amateur gym enthusiasts that can potentially benefit from it. Pick up a pair of gloves and get go ahead and incorporate this to your routines.

For all those people who are unsure on whether you want to start boxing. Or for those looking for a boost into why you should continue boxing. Here are a few benefits on why you should buy the boxing kit.

1. Relieves stress

This is something that some of us might be aware of already. However, for those that might not know. Punching the bag is an actual stress reliever. Letting our frustration and anger on to a

Boxing can become a meditating exercise. When boxing you usually must coordinate your hands and feet. Whilst concentrating on the coordination it helps to focus on just that activity and not on everything else that could be happening around you or in your life in general. It will help you clear your mind.

2. self -defence

Now, not all sport incorporates learning how to protect yourself. Boxing is an ideal sport as it boosts your confidence. When one has high self-confidence, they are more like to protect themselves if they are being attacked. As you train for boxing you slowly start to see your mindset change. You stat to realise that you can protect yourself. As side from getting stronger and seeing the physical change on your body. You tend to feel a sense of achievement.

3. improves sleep quality

Better sleep quality

For all the people who have might have long days at work or school. This could potentially be a life saver for your sleep habits. Research has been discovered and apparently high intensity cardiovascular workouts have a good benefit to our sleep quality. Basically, people are likely to fall asleep faster after an intense workout.

Now considering all that boxing sessions have to offer; one can instantly pass out after an intense session.

4. better stamina

with a high intensity work out like boxing, it strengthens your muscles which essentially increases your endurance and stamina. I mean let’s be honest if you’re a beginner you won’t instantly feel it. However, if you continuously and persistently follow through with punching the bag the more stamina you will build up.

The great thing about great stamina is that you are ready to do anything athletic at any minute. Even if you must do a quick run to the shops. Or if you find yourself running late for anything your body will automatically run at full speed when need be. Without leaving you feeling like you are out of breath or about to pass out. Now that’s a win for you.

5. sculps the midsection

For all the people out there, that are looking for a six pack. This is the perfect workout to easily get that. The word “easily” might seem like it is getting used loosely, however persistency will get you those abs. People usually think that boxing will only get you big arms and buffer shoulders. Yes, that is true, however it is also a good core workout.

When one is boxing you move your hips and rotate your trunk. Especially if you want to generate speed as you’re boxing. All this means that your abdominal muscles are working overtime hence forming abs on the midsection. Now who doesn’t want that.

6. loosing fat

Most boxers we see are usually chiselled to the T. That is all due to the boxing training that they must do. Boxing workouts are great for losing weight. Most people that are overweight usually have trouble with their knees as the go for runs. With boxing it is different as it is easy on the joints. Here’s a cool did you know fact for you. Punching your bag can burn more than 500 calories in an hour. This is all because of the amount of movement one does as they are punching the bag. Your entire body is getting a whole workout.

7. builds discipline and resilience

The intensity of boxing workouts will instantly toughen you up mentally and of course physically. It will have you testing your limits and push your boundaries. As it will have you punching like you’ve never done before. If you ever decide to fight with someone else beside a punching bag. You might come across an opponent that will defeat you. Which would then make you learn from why you lost and help you work better at being a better boxing fighter. This could then help with your outlook in life in general, as sometimes things might not go your way, but you will learn from your mistakes. You will do better and be more resilient.

Lastly, get your boxing kit, and start training from home. It will help you develop power and as said strengthen your mind and body. This could be a fun workout sport. As mentioned above there are so many benefits to boxing. Investing in the right kit is essential, get you some gloves, a punching bag and you are good to go. You could easily throw in a jumping rope in there as well. With all this you should be ready to go. Go on and get that fit body with the amazing abs. Don’t think on it just DO IT!

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