The image shows a gym machine

lazy workouts

So, we all have a goal for our body weight or maybe we have a particular image of what we would want our bodies to look like right?  However not everyone is up for a good work out session let alone motivated to even start. Procrastination is something that lingers around a lot of us. Especially for those who are thinking about getting healthy and fit. We are used to old habits. The habits that we usually have are ones that we have carried on for years and are comfortable.

So here are a few tips for the lazy people workout. All you’ll need is a yoga mat and resistance band for these tips and of course some comfortable


tip 1 workout

You can start with laying on your side and lifting one leg up and down whilst touching the bottom leg, switching both sides. These are called the side leg raise. These help with your abdominal area which is more likely what we are all trying to work on. Two sets of each should be fine so that means twenty of them on each side. Should roughly take you about thirty seconds. However, feel free to pro long these as the position for these are lazy however quite efficient.

tip 2

Up next switch positions to the plan. This should have you in a face down position however slightly elevated, with your toes touching the ground and your elbows and hands positioned on the yoga mat. Hold it tight for about thirty seconds with ten second intervals. Whilst switching it up to the knee elbow plank, where you bring one knee up at a time. This could go on for thirty seconds too as this is quite an intense workout but very affective for the whole body especially the abdominal area.

tip 3

After a clean finish with the plank exercises, then comes the leg raise workout. Another simple and lazy exercise. This is where you have your back laid down to the ground and simply lift your legs up and down. Whilst having both arms laid down beside you. This is repetitive and can be done for thirty seconds. Easily in a resting position. At this point you should start feeling a little tired, but what’s a workout without pain, right? Why not have a little music in the background to get your adrenaline going. Music sets the tone and if you’re doing this workout first thing in the morning positive music will set the tone for the rest of your day.

tip 4

We then move right into the “Superman”. These quirky names for the exercises should potentially help with getting you excited if not then get into it!! Get into names of exercises motivating you to workout. With the Superman you are basically laying face down however only lifting your arms and legs up at the same time. You essentially look like you’re trying to fly. Yes, this work out works on your lower back muscles, hamstrings, abdominal area, and gluts. What’s great about this work out is that it complements the other core exercises. For instance sit ups and leg raises as this also focus on the abdominal muscles. This should go on for a solid thirty seconds.

tip 5

Then there are the “Fire Hydrants”. These are a type of body weight exercise.  You basically position yourself in a crawling position, make sure your knees are slightly apart, you’d lift your left or right leg depending on which leg you want to start with, you’d bend your leg at a 90 degrees angle, knees and hands are touching the ground and you would repetitively do this for thirty seconds. This exercise can help sculpt your glutes and if you have the regular back pain this will help to improve the pain and essentially lowers the risk for injury. If you want to take this up a notch you can incorporate the good old resistance band and place it around both legs, around the knees area. The band then forces your hips and glutes to work against the resistant band. This technique helps with toning and strengthening your core. Not forgetting the great effect, it has on the abdominal muscles.

tip 6

The next best lazy exercise after the fire hydrants, has to be rotating your arms in a circular motion. As this is great for winding down the lazy routine. At this stage you are basically sitting upright on the yoga mat with legs crossed and lifting your arms at a 90-degree angle and pretty much rotating your arms for thirty seconds at the 90 degrees position. Right after that you stand up right and raise your calves up and down for thirty seconds.

tip 7

Then you move on to the bouncing lunges. This is basically where you position one leg Infront and the other behind at a 45 degrees angle and pretty much bounce on the same spot for another thirty seconds. Which will then lead you to the last exercise the “sumo squats”, you’d elevate your body in a squat position and would hold it at the bottom and constantly bounce while your knees are bent at the bottom for the remaining thirty seconds. Now you’d appreciate how all those are thirty second exercises, however all done in one session.

It is important that you increase the amount of time doing these routines as this will show results in a shorter time frame. It’s safe to say that we all sometime get busy with life however this brief session should take up less than 20 minutes of your time. So why not invest in getting a great body with literally just a yoga mat and resistant band. Oh, don’t forget to purchase that gym fit, I mean we all trying to look good when we are up and training, and for some buying the right gym clothes could motivate you to get into exercise mode, same way a good suit makes you feel like you’re ready for business.

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