The image shows a gym machine

home workouts for you mental health

A lot of us are going through so much mentally and are not able to talk to anyone about it. Or we are not able to afford therapy. It’s amazing what exercise can do for your mental health. We usually just set it aside as we relate it to the physical part of our body.

It’s been suggested that adults should take about five times of the week to do some exercise for their mental health. Most of you are probably wondering how and why this can better what you might be going through mentally. How’s about you keep reading and you will find out how exercising a couple of times a week helps with your mental health.

yoga for mental health

This is something everyone should give a try.  The American Psychology Association website says “yoga may help strengthen social attachments, reduce stress and relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia.” This is something we should all investigate. For those that suffer from anxiety and constantly have negative thoughts filled in their head. This is also for people that might be suffering from depression or any other mental illnesses that have not been mentioned. We would highly recommend that you tap into this. All you need is a great yoga mat which you can get from amazon.

Here are some yoga poses you could for your metal health;

salamba servangasana (Shoulder stand)

Shoulder stand

This is a great yoga pose to release depression and anxiety. It surely sounds like a handstand; however it is the reverse as you have your shoulders on your mat and then you lift your body upwards with your hands positioned on your back supporting your bod as your feet are facing the ceiling or sky.

However, if you have neck or shoulder problems, please do not try this at home or consult your doctor first. For the ladies if you are menstruating, please avoid doing this pose. Whilst you’re positioned with your legs to sky take a few deep breaths and then gently release the pose.

Sukhasna (generic easy yoga pose)


We are all probably familiar with this pose. As it’s the classic meditation yoga position. As you are seated on the floor, legs crossed and have your back straight. This is good for your anxiety and chronic stress. The symmetry of the posture is supposed to centre you. The base of your spine is supposed to connect to the earth. As you are firmly balanced this is supposed to make you feel like nothing can knock your balance which therefor boost your confidence. It also give you a sense of strength.

Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward dog position)

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Another familiar pose. You are basically on your hands and feet faced down like a dog. Your legs are straight up, and your back is arched as it elevates your hands to the mat. This increases blood flow to your brain, which creates greater energy and mental wellness. In this position we should be able to deal with issues that are causing us anxiety of stress.

Please do not feel inclines to have you legs straight the entire time you can also bend you knees so you can feel comfortable. Make sure you are inhaling and exhaling as you are releasing the pose.

Balasana (Child’s pose)


This posture is a comforting, it essentially feels like you’re releasing everything to the world. As you lay totally grounded to the floor or rather yoga mat. You lay in a child-like posture. Kneel on your mat, bend forward, stretching your arms and chest forward. Whilst resting your head on the map as you face the mat. Breath in and out deeply as you gently lay there. Then you get back up and repeatedly do this for as long as you like. This is great for anxiety and depression as you feel the emotion of relaxation.

Savanasana (Corpse Pose)


Yes! you guessed right! It’s in the name. you are basically lying flat on your back. Resting your arms on your sides with your legs slight spread apart. With this pose you have your eyes closed. Whilst you have everything relaxed. Breathing in and out slowly from your belly and you can continuously do this for as long as you want. This postured is another comforting posture. As it helps with controlling your mind and essentially bring some clarity to your mind.

Aerobics – for mental health

A study found that aerobic exercise helps promotes mental health. Professor Harlan, The Lancet Psychiarty writes in a research that he conducted of 194 people who were aged 18 years and over that “Individuals who exercised had 1·49 (43·2%) fewer days of poor mental health in the past month than individuals who did not exercise”. So, if you want to face less days of mental health issues please look into exercising.

Another form of exercise we might overlook for our mental health is aerobics. The great thing about aerobics is that it has so many exercises included that you can easily do at home. For instance, grab a skipping rope and get onto skipping for as long as you want. In your house or garden. Hec even in the office.

Grab them boxing gloves and start punching your punching bag to release your stress. Even weightlifting is something that is a great stress reliver. You might not have a fancy gym set up in your home. However, you can get some weight from amazon, and these could work as effectively.

You could even purchase a rowing machine on amazon! This is another comforting way to release all that stress.

The great thing about aerobics is having some fast-paced music in the background. As you are working on your heart rate you are listening to happy music. Now if there’s one thing certain about music is that it soothes the soul. We know that music is therapeutic.

At the end of the day make sure you get into exercising. Pick something that you know you can comfortably be persistent with. The key to wellness is making sure your body is taken care of mentally and physically.

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