The image shows a gym machine

10 home workouts for women

As women we are constantly trying to look fit, we have you covered on workouts for women. Some of us do not have the time or resources to attend a gym. However, we are here to bring you some tips on exercising from home. You don’t need much. All you’ll probably need is a yoga mat and probably some resistance bands.

We could easily utilise any part of the house, whether it be your bedroom or lounge area.

Ladies as much as we are concerned about looking good and gaining strength from exercise. We need to also be aware that it is great for our immune system. It could potentially fight diseases. Plus, the other factor that it’s generally good for your mental health. So, it’s just not physical but it’s also a great mental health bonus.

The great thing is that most of us are now working remotely post covid. We tend to get lazy after work and just continue with our home leisure activities. It was slightly easier when you’d work in the office and then stop by the gym on your way home. But ladies, let’s stay persistent and get our bodies looking and feeling right with the little we have at home. For all those that have fancy at home gyms this post is for you too!

For all of us out here who do not have home gyms. Grab anything that resembles weights that you can hold onto for some of these exercises. Also, there are resistant bands and dumbbells on Amazon, as there are so many affordable deals.

Here are some exercises that require 1- 2 home exercise equipment.

arms and abs exercises

First are Pushups. I’m sure most of us know what these are. This workout is a full body experience. The work on your upper and lower body muscles. However giving more emphasis on the upper body. Your arms are the focal point. As you’re lifting your body with the arms.

We then have the Dips. These focus on the triceps. You can use your furniture in your house to help you have some sort of support as you are working through them

You can also incorporate Planks. These have been proven to be very effective core workout. They work on the whole body. All you need is a yoga mat for this . You can also go the extra mile and do the side planks too.

Shoulder Taps, these should be incorporated as you are doing your planks. These help to builds strength in your arms and stability too.

The last exercise you could do for abs and arms are the twists. With this you basically grab anything with weight on it (for example your dumbbells or any form of furniture that is a little heavy, even a baby). Then you are in a sitting position have your legs slightly lifted and twist your arms side to side as you have the weight in your hands.

squat position

legs and bum workouts

Squats are for sure something we are all familiar with. However there are so many kind of squats that personal trainers have come up with. We have sumo squats, air squats, weighted squats and jump squats. Trust there are more types of squats one could do. However making sure you’re holding something with weight. Something equivalent to dumbbells. As that will make your routine more effective

Then we have Lunges. You could either do side to side. back or front lunges. These are good for your lower body ladies. So if you are looking to put some junk in the trunk this is what you should get into. For some of us that are super motivated you can also jump and down.

We then have the Glute bridge. This should probably at the start of your exercises. It is more like a warm up. You are basically laying on your back and pushing your bum up whilst your knees are up and your feet are flat on the floor. Using a resistant band for this exercise will help you engage your core and bum. This is another one that is really good for the booty ladies. We all want round firm bums right. Sooooo get into it!

The Step Ups exercise is another easy one. This exercise helps with stability and balance. Most of us might have a few stairs around the house or just outside our house. If not move some furniture around so that you could use it as stairs to exercise. Whilst hoping up and down make sure you have your weights with you, and remember ladies we said you could use anything as weights. This is helpful for extra resistance.

We have the wall sits. As the name says. You literally have your back against the wall and you move in a squat like way making sure your back is glued to the wall. Whilst your feet are a little distanced from the wall. Repeat thee exercise for a couple of seconds. You will feel it with this exercise. If not instantly then in a couple of seconds. Trust the process.

full body workouts for women

These will be popular workouts you have come across. However don’t ever feel for a second that they are not efficient. Lets start with the jump ropes. This is all about buying that skipping rope and making good use of it. Most of you already have it so hows about you take it out from the garage and get right into it as jump ropes literally are a cheap full body workout.

Lastly Mountain Climbers. This exercise basically has you in a climbing a mountain position as the name suggests. The great thing about this exercise you can start at a slow pace then pick it up as you go. I mean who needs a treadmill when you can literally do this all by yourself. This is also great for your abs. For all those that like to hike over the weekends this sort of exercise is great to keep you fit for those hikes.

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