The image shows a gym machine

Flexibility is the degree to which the joints move depending on the elasticity of the muscles.

First of all, the importance of flexibility can be identified in almost all kind sports. Regular stretching is the best way to improve flexibility. Flexibility is also important in physical exercise. As a matter of a fact, it allows you to perform better when playing sports or doing a simple workout. In addition, the importance of flexibility is crucial in the improvement of even our most simple daily activities. It makes walking, bending down to grab something, or lifting objects easier as well as, safer. Without flexibility, routine activities can be difficult to perform. Inadequate flexibility can also affect athletic performance by preventing a person from reaching his full potential, strength, and power of his muscles.



The benefits of flexibility in physical education

There are many benefits in flexibility training, that undoubtedly demonstrate the importance of flexibility. Flexibility mainly improves the range of motion of the joints and muscles. It also reduces the risk of injury. When the muscles are flexible, the person is less likely to be injured during physical activity. In addition, flexibility helps reduce muscle soreness. Finally, what is well known as flexibility training can also help reduce muscle soreness after an exercise. Stretching after exercise keeps the muscles relaxed and relaxed. Finally, flexibility improves athletic performance.

 When the joints and muscles are flexible, less energy is used during their movement. Thus, it improves the overall athletic performance. It is important to work this way for total flexibility throughout the body. Most people have flexible knee joints. It seems that people use more their knees in their  everyday life. As well as their quadriceps and hamstrings stretch . On the other hand, most people will be harder on their hips and backs because they are not usually stretched.

What are the best exercises you can try to easily increase your flexibility?

Three types of stretching for flexibility

Stretching improves your flexibility, but this does not mean that you have to spend hours doing stretching. You can follow a short guide, with simple exercises, always starting with the warm-up. This is necessary for properly preparing the body over the importance of flexibility. The warm-up will initially help you increase your core temperature. After that you can do a series of stretching exercises, lengthening your legs, hips, torso and finally your head and neck.

streching types to improve flexibility

Static stretching: Sit in a standing position on your training mat, as you stretch a specific muscle and stay there for about 15-60 seconds to stretch the muscles. It is good to breathe throughout the stretch of the muscle. Dynamic stretching: Sit in a standing position as you stretch a specific targeted muscle. Dynamic stretching involves moving with the full range of motion of a joint either slowly or quickly to mimic a functional movement. Active Single Stretch: Move your joint to full range of motion, keeping only the end point of the movement stretched for a few seconds. Finally, return to the starting point and repeat.

 Bonus tip

You can increase your flexibility by simply adding some stretching exercises at the end of your workouts. This way you will do your recovery properly while at the same time you will increase your flexibility even more.

 Another way to improve flexibility is to do a variety of different exercises, both cardio and muscle strengthening.

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