The image shows a gym machine

Walk yourself slim: How to turn walking into a fat-burning workout

Walking is the most popular form of exercise, and rightly so. It is easy to do, does not require any special equipment and is something that most people come up with naturally. This is very important, as research shows that regular walking reduces the risk of disease and increases life expectancy. But the benefits of walking do not stop there. You can turn walking into an exercise that stimulates muscles and burns fat, with a few simple modifications. So keep reading on to find out how you can walk yourself slim

Head to an open spot in your area or a park to try the following…

Walk yourself slim and walking to lose weight:

Although many people walk to improve their fitness, some may do so with the goal of better body structure, reducing excess body fat and increasing muscle mass. When combined with a healthy diet, walking can have immediate effects on body composition, especially when it comes to persistent belly fat.

A study comparing two groups of women found that those who combined dietary changes with walking about two kilometres a day were able to shrink their belly fat cells by up to 18% over a four-month period. In contrast, women who changed their diet without combining it with walking saw no change in their abdominal area.

The next level to walk yourself slim:

Walking at a steady pace certainly offers many health benefits. But if you really want to maximize fat loss, muscle strength and walk yourself slim, you need to improve this exercise. And to do that, you need to add high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your walking. Adding high-intensity interval training to your hiking program is a great way to increase fat burning and combine it with muscle strengthening. High-intensity interval training combines short periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of low-intensity relaxation in order to maximize fitness results.

walk yourself slim

How to incorporate high-intensity interval training into your walking:

You do not need special equipment to create an effective high-intensity interval training to walk yourself slim. You can use the outdoor environment, such as brisk walking uphill for short periods of time or incorporate a variety of exercises using your body weight throughout the journey to achieve great results and walk yourself slim.

Depending on your fitness level, you can incorporate three to four sets of exercises for a 60-minute program, combining burpees, pushups, projections and seats. All of these exercises can easily increase the intensity of the exercise by increasing the heart rate.

Exercise to walk yourself slim and lose weight:

–> 1: 20 minutes brisk walking

Stop and do two of the following: 8 burpees, 8 pushups, 8 projections or 8 squats

–> 2: 20 minutes brisk walking

Stop and do two of the following: 8 burpees, 8 pushups, 8 projections or 8 squats

–> 3: 20 minutes brisk walking

Stop and do two of the following: 8 burpees, 8 pushups, 8 projections or 8 squats

As your fitness level improves, you can incorporate more repetitions and exercises until you get to do all 4 exercises every 20 minutes. By incorporating these exercises, you can turn simple walking into exercise that helps with muscle strengthening and at the same time increases fat burning. But you should always talk to your doctor before starting or modifying an exercise program so that it works safely for your health.

Check out some of our other blogs to learn more about Cardio, Strength, Yoga and Wellbeing, Recovery and Post-workout

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