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best diets of 2022

Most of us shy away from eating healthy. Mostly because the food always looks bland. I mean let’s be honest here. When you think healthy food you think fruit and veg. Some people are blessed as they like fruit and vegetables.  However, there is more to clean eating apart from fruit and vegetables

Now here’s the thing most of us want to look fit but we are not willing to change our diets. Most of us are continuously working out but are not seeing results as quickly as we want.

It is great to have knowledge on what exactly it is you’re consuming in your body. Especially if you are looking to lose wight or just generally trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are serval diets that we can find online to help us with weight loss or keeping fit. We’ll save you the research and list the top 2022 diets that are working effectively.

So we’ve gone online, done  some research and here’s what we’ve put together for you;

1. mediterranean diet

Some people might not have come across this diet before. The Mediterranean diet focuses on specific foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, olive oil, fish and whole grains. Some might say you can add some wine into the diet however you have to drink it moderately.  The Mediterranean diet is all about fresh organic eating. It put emphasis on avoiding processed ingredients. It is all about eating colourful organic foods and does not require you to keep track of calories.

Benefits of Mediterranean diet are that it helps with weight loss and it boosts brain health.

2. dash diet

The dash diet was created for people with high blood pressure issues. It generally reduces inflammation and cholesterol and as mentioned blood pressure. It puts more focuses on food groups other that eliminating specific food completely from the diet. The dash diet is an organic diet focused on plant based foods and similar to the Mediterranean diet. It also focuses on fruit and veg, low fat and non-fat dairy foods, lean meat for example fish and chicken. However, it is quite precise when it comes to quantities. Below is an example of food quantities for a dash diet.

Food quantities for Dash diet

3. mind diet

The Mind diet is typically the combination between the Mediterranean diet and the Dash diet. It focuses in the foods that have been proven to help with brain health. Some foods help to keep your brain fit and reduce some specific brain diseases. This diet is supposed to decrease the risk of cognitive declines. Basically it is limiting specific food in your everyday eating. These are the food you need to consume less of with the Mind diet.

Red Meat; it’s advised that you take less than four servings in a week. Red meat is known to have more saturate fat than other sources of protein. Too much of red meat can also cause the build-up of increased brain diseases.

Fried food and fast food: Less than one serving a week. Now for most of us who have nine to five jobs or are frequently on the go and don’t have time cooking. This is not an excuse to order unhealthy food at all. Especially fast food. There are now loads of healthy takeout option on uber eats now. Fried food and fast food contain unhealthy levels of saturated fat.

uber eats now. Fried food and fast food contain unhealthy levels of saturated fat.

Whole fat cheese; less than one serving a week. Cheese is generally high saturated In fat.

Margarine or butter: this should be 1 tablespoon a day. Some of us have become accustomed to smothering our bread with butter. Or even substituting oil for butter in most of our meal preps.  Lets try to keep a look out on how much butter or margarine we are using as too much can increase inflammation.

Pastries and candy/sweets: Less that 5 servings a week is sufficient. Sugar is known for activating the bodys’ reward system. It will have you wanting to eat more, or generally it makes you hungry. Try stay away from sugar when necessary. It will avoid the urge to eat more than you need to.

4. tlc diet

This is basically known as the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet. This diet has one goal which is to cut cholesterol as part of a good healthy eating diet. It’s a very simple diet as it requires to eat breads, pastas, veggies, fruits, cereals and lean meats.

The TLC diet is also restrictive. It encourages specific amounts of food per day as listed below;

Fruits: 2 to 4 servings per day

Low fat dairy: 2 to 3 servings per day

Whole grains: 6 servings per day

Vegetables, peas or beans; 3 to 5 servings per day

Meat or fish: 5 or fewer ounces per day

Limit sodium intake

Have nor more than one alcoholic beverage for women and two for men

East at least 10 grams of fibre per day

you are generally concerned about your cholesterol levels this is a diet to keep a look out for. If you follow through with the recommended guidelines you can have your cholesterol levels under control. It is also just applicable for people suffering from diabetes.

Here is a sample of a what a meal could look;

Easy lunch, stir fried chicken and fried rice

Breakfast: Low-fat yogurt topped with low-fat granola and berries

Lunch: Quesadilla made with low-fat cheese and vegetables

Snack: Popcorn and apple

Dinner: Chicken stir-fry with vegetables and brown rice

The diets are all flexible and not too constricting. There are a variety of food included in each diet and have been proven to be great for your health. All the above diets focus on whole foods, and they all include fruit and vegetables. The general takeaway from these diets is to reduce fast food and processed foods.

Make sure you prioritise what your body consumes as this will help you stay protected from diseases and will generally give you a longer life. Protect your body by eating right.

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