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HomeOlympus with this blog post introduces you the top 10 superfoods for 2021, their nutritional value and why are they more and more clinching a place in our diet in the last year and so. Here is the list of interesting combos of the top 10 superfoods for 2021.

Acai berry and Incan berry

The Acai berry is a dark purple grape-sized fruit that grows in the Amazon rainforest. According to scientists, it is  one of the best superfoods in the world. It has many applications and beneficial properties, helps in weight loss, gives energy, endurance, and toning, while it is well known for regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


The Incan berry, also known as golden berry, it helps us control sugar and keeps cholesterol levels low due to the pectin that it contains. That particular superfood takes place in our top 10 superfoods for 2021 list, due to the fact that it fights off headaches and helps in the treatment of intestinal problems. Incan berries include 16% protein and more fibre than blueberries, plums, raisins, and apricots.

Cranberry and raspberry

Cranberries  are mainly famous for their antioxidant properties. It is a source of flavonoids; vitamins B and C and their consumption aims in  the prevention of urinary tract infections.


Raspberries have a very high nutritional value and cover about 16% of the daily recommended amount of fibre. It is rich in manganese, vitamins C and K, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and copper. In addition, raspberries have anti-cancer properties and act against oxidative stress as well as inflammation (chronic or not). Finally, they regulate blood sugar and fat levels.

aronia berry and blueberry

Aronia berry or “raspberry of youth”, as it is a refreshing fruit that increases the vitality of the body. Contains vitamins and minerals that fight fatigue and activate metabolism. It has antioxidant activity and protects against problems and diseases of the digestive system, such as colon cancer.


Vitamins A, C, E, B, carotene, trace elements and fibre are just some of blueberry’s n nutrients That is the main reason why we included it in HomeOlympus’ top 10 superfoods for 2021 list. Blueberry has antioxidant and anti-aging qulaities that help prevent cancer and normal heart function. It can also help rejuvenate the body and prevent allergies.

Wheatgrass and buckthorn

Wheatgrass is the shoot produced from wheat seed and is one of the most talked about superfoods. It is rich in chlorophyll and contains more than a hundred nutrients. It stands out for its cleansing and detoxifying qualities, the ability to regenerate cells and the easy assimilation by all organisms.


Buckthorn is a plant with very beneficial qualities for the human body, as it contains triglycerides that appear to have anti-cancer effects. It has more vitamin C than orange and can be consumed as a juice or decoction. It strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism, and gives stimulation and energy.

Chia Seeds and Pomegranate

The chia seeds are a source of energy, and they are extremely rich in protein, fibre and Ω3 fatty acids. They lower cholesterol, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements. Moreover, they fight off high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes.

Pomegranate is a fruit with multiple benefits for the body thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory elements. Among other things, it helps reduce bad cholesterol, strengthens the immune system with vitamin C and has anti-allergic properties due to its high content of polyphenols.


Hopefully, HomeOlympus’ top 10 superfoods for 2021 list will help you boost your workouts and general daily activities. Superfoodsessential contribution to a healthy diets and lifestyle should not be taken for granted! Enjoy them!

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