The image shows a gym machine

Remember that time when social media was buzzing about who can plank the longest? Millions of social media users shared their video’s relating to the plank trend. People where planking in the office. In their bedrooms. In the living rooms and on sidewalks. I mean you wouldn’t necessarily say it was encouraging fitness. However, people who were on this trend were able to call out the unfit people. I’m certain this might have led some to start exercising.

2022 has bought a few new trends that you need to look out for. Lucky for you we have complied a list of health and fitness trends that you could easily get on.

“b the method” trend

B the method trend

I know most of you are wondering what it is. When we came across it, we had no idea and had never heard of it. B the method as the logo states “It’s Pilates without the machine, swimming without the pool, exercise without the injury”. Now this sounds like something that should have been discovered years ago.

It is supposed to help strengthen the pelvic floor. Your next question could possibly be. What are the benefits of strengthening the pelvic floor? Well, here we go. The pelvic floor essentially supports other organs amongst other things in the body. Having a bad or rather weak pelvic floor can lead to several issues. For instance, back pains, inability to orgasm, constipation, bladder control and in some cases discomfort during sex.

The creator of B The Method Bartha says in an article that “It is a low impact style movement with an emphasis on mobility and decompression of the spine, health of the pelvic floor, and strengthening from inside out”. On her website there are weekly workouts to strengthening the pelvic muscles. For example, there are techniques on how to use your pelvic muscles to support body movement.

All you need to do is get a yoga mat and get her app to subscribe on the weekly trainings which you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Next up we have……

“The ness” trend

Some of you might have already heard of this. It’s basically trampoline workouts that are supposed to be life changing.

Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington were one of the first people to catch on to this trend in 2021. They both shared videos of themselves on Instagram jumping on the trampoline. The trampoline workout routines were cofounded by Aly Giampolo.

The company basically curates trampoline workouts which are found on their website. They have categorised their workouts. From beginners, intermediate and Advanced. This is a more inclusive way to get people from all walks of life to jump on the trend.  Each level has a different time frame on how long the workouts go for.

Hoping on a trampoline can be quite tricky. So being able to workout at the same time as you’re bouncing up and down could be fun and could pay off fitness wise. Learning the combinations. Giampolo says the “The Ness’s core offering is bounce, a eat based high adrenaline workout that challenges you mentally and physically as you learn unique combinations”.

Benefits for trampoline workouts are that it increases your mental stamina. All the lessons are different each time, so this means learn something new every time. Learning new routines is not easy but it’s good for your memory skills. In terms of your physical stamina, you will surely have intense workouts as they are all timed and have minimal resting periods between the sessions.

As far as what the actual bouncing does to your body. “When bouncing the support of a soft trampoline mat + elastic cords absorb the weight of your landing, reducing the impact on your joints. This allows for not only a high intensity, low impact workout, it also allows you to continue bouncing safely later in life.”

So, what is stopping you from hopping on to this trend? Get that trampoline and visit their website for all the trainings.

One more thing that has been playing a huge role in the health and fitness world is technology. To be more precise ………

smart watches/technology

“Smart watch”: having control of your fitness at the tap of your finger is still mind-blowing. I know most of us already have one. The market is flooded with all sorts of smart watches, and it has become quite difficult to pick which one is great. However, there are so many benefits to having a wearable fitness device.

They are portable! It doesn’t matter if you’re home or at work. These devices are tracking your heart rate, they are sleep trackers. These are accurate and they are slowly phasing out the idea of having a trainer. Everything is essentially stored on the device. You can now have the device send you workout routines. They go as far as tracking your blood pressure, pulse rate and many more. This is cost effective and could potentially motivate you to exercise. Once you are constantly aware of your health status you will want to maintain healthy status of your fitness.

The future of home fitness is in technology. The fitness community is growing, and one must always stay in the loop. People are constantly finding weight to simplify workout routines. Let’s face it we want to have fun routines so we can continuously keep going. Aside from fun routines we want to be on top of our health stats, so we know our current health and fitness status. For instance, knowing whether your current routines are beneficial or not. The wearable devices can offer what you could potentially be working on for a healthier body instantly. The goal is to have more of us healthy as it will enable us to live a longer life.

Start transforming your home with all the gym equipment tool recommended. Invest in your health. Only you are responsible for the way you live. Also, wearable watches are great gifts for your friends and loved ones. You could be helping on your loved one’s fitness journey by buying anyone of the recommended trend tools shared in the article.

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