The image shows a gym machine

With the second session about training our weak spots, HomeOlympus demonstrates some useful tips that can help you strengthening your waist, buttocs and legs. Enjoy it!


If you also want to get a slim waist, with abs and a tight torso, you can easily try the following moves, without any special training equipment, except a chair.

How to do that

To warm up the muscles on your torso, sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on your knees. Turn back smoothly, tightening your abs and keeping your back, straight. The range of motion can be as large or as small as you want, as long as the waist does not hurt. If you want you can lean on the chair with your back, but without leaving all your weight on it. Then return slowly to the starting position. You can do ten to twelve repetitions.


After warming up, return to your starting position and bend your arms, placing them behind your head. Rotate your waist to the right while keeping your legs and hips straight and tight. Stay in this position for three seconds and rotate your torso to the left this time (ten repetitions on each side, x3 sets).

TIp: To work your abs and hip muscles, sit in a chair, the more comfortable the better, and pull your bent leg towards your chest. Hug your knee with your hands and stay in this position for three seconds. Return to the starting sitting position and do the same with the other leg. You can do ten repetitions for each leg.



The buttocks are one of the most attractive parts of the body, however due to the volume they have they easily lose their shape and volume. Discover more tips and HomeOlympus’ top buttocks’ exercises in our website! Training our weak spots has never been easier!

What to do

On your training mat, make sure your body is in an upright position with your knees slightly bent and from this position push one leg back and up until you feel the buttocks working and then return it to its original position. Stand with your legs open and slowly lower your pelvis straight down, as if preparing to sit in a chair, until your knees are at a right angle. Climb up without stretching your knees. Continue with  3 sets of 15 repetitions each.


If you also want slim and sculpted legs, then you can try the following exercises, which will help you burn more fat around that area.

How to do that

You can start with siting on the wall. Rest your head, back and waist on the wall and bend your knees, until the pelvis rests on the wall while at the same time at the same height as the knees. Hold for thirty seconds. You can repeat three times with breaks.


Another exercise that will help you is the projections or the openings of the legs. Stand up straight, place your hands in the middle and take a big step forward until your leg is at a right angle. If you lose your balance, you can reduce the distance but it is important to form a right angle and bend the back leg. Return the body to its original position and do the same with the other leg. You can repeat the movement ten times for each leg.

If you want to burn more calories and see better results check out this training  sequence by HomeOlympus’ team!

Do not forget to follow HomeOlympus on Instagram! See you soon!

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