The image shows a gym machine

HomeOlympus’ website helps you find out which are the top buttocks’ exercises that can literally transform your body.

First of all, the area where the body tends to store the most fat, especially in the case of women, is around the hips, thighs and buttocks. And while you may have spent many hours exercising to get rid of it, the desired results will not be seen if you do not do the right exercises. So, here there are the top buttocks’ exercises that your body will definitely adore.


This weightlifting exercise is one of the most effective for strengthening the tendons, buttocks, and waist. You will need a training mat and two small bottles of water (if you cannot use dumbbells) and stand with your feet slightly wider than your hip width and then try to bend your knees slightly.

Hold the bottles/ dumbells in front of your thighs, with your palms facing inwards. Keeping your spine in a neutral position, bend over in front of your hips, trying to reach the grounf with your holding weights, until your torso is almost paralleled to the floor.

Focus on using your buttocks to lift your body back and then return the bottles to the ground. Do 20 repetitions

one foot bridge

Instead of the classic bridge exercise you can try its variation, lifting one foot in the air to activate your buttocks more intensely. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting on your exercise mat.

Raise your hips slowly and extend your left foot upwards, pointing with your fingers at the wall in front of you. Hold this position for about a second and return your foot to the ground. Do the same by lifting your right foot. Hold this stop for about a second and return to the starting position. During exercise, try to keep your abdomen and legs tight. Repeat ten times for each leg.

single leg raise

Stimulate your hips with this exercise that targets the outside of your thighs and is considered as one of the top buttock’s exercises. Sit on a coffee table, with your arms straight at your shoulders and your knees just below your pelvis.

Balance your weight evenly between your arms and knees. Lift your left leg outward, keeping your knee bent at ninety degrees, with the inside of your thigh facing the floor.

Quickly kick your foot diagonally behind you, bringing your heel to the roof. Return your left knee to the floor. Do ten repetitions on each side.For more leg exercises you might be interested in HomeOlympus‘ blogpost: ‘The best weights and dumbbell leg workout‘.

sumo squats

The sumo squat, which involves opening your legs just beyond a normal posture, exercises the inside of the thighs, buttocks and tendons. Without any doubt is one of the top buttocks’ exercises ever! A good way to make sure your toes are at a good angle, stand up and lift your buttocks, you should feel that the outer tips of your hips are “burning”.

How to do it right:

Proper execution requires standing with the legs slightly wider than the width of the hip. Our feet should be at 45 degrees and our torso should tilt slightly forward. We inhale, bend our knees and make seats until our thighs are parallel to the floor.

We exhale and return to our original position. As for the repetitions? We said, everything is a matter of endurance. Keep going as long as you can!

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