The image shows a gym machine

Resistance bands back workout is so important for everyone to know these days. Now more than ever people are  complaining more and more about back pain. Especially since working from home this problem has only grown for workers.

Obviously it goes without saying that some people have it worse than others. But it’s also safe to say that everyone has dealt with it in some way or another. So why wouldn’t you want to do something about it.

This article is going to look at the benefits of using resistance bands for back exercises and give you some solid resistance band back workout to do at home. So you can get rid of that pain in your back every time you get up in the morning.

If you want to find out more about the types of resistance bands there is check out our other blogs on “Latex free resistance bands” and “fabric resistance bands”.

What are your back muscles:

Obviously before we get onto anything else it’s probably important to first understand what muscles make up our back. So you know what muscles we will be focussing on in these workouts.

The back is a very complicated structure made up of various parts like, the spine, discs, nerves, muscles and ligaments. There are large and small muscles in the back all known as skeletal muscles.

These types of muscles key role is to support bones, by tightening and relaxing the vertebrae helping produce movement.

Another important part of the back is the tendons, which are what attaches the muscle to the bones. Both muscle and tendon strains are the most common type of back injuries. These strains take place when the muscle or tendon overstretch and tear, and can cause unpleasant pain in your back.

So make sure to be careful when exercising and allow time for your body to rest and recover as overusing your muscles can lead to future back problems. Which is something nobody wants.

Why exercise your back?:

So why exercise your back in the first place?

There are many benefits to incorporating back exercise into your workout routine other than just dealing with back pain in general. Making the need to exercise your back significantly important.

These benefits include:

  • Enhancing your physique and achieving the V-shaped torso.
  • Improving performance in other sports such as rock climbing and swimming.
  • Increasing your ability to perform better in other exercises that require you to life heavier weights.
  • Increases support for your back bones and structure.
  • Prevent back strain or muscle tears.

Benefits of resistance bands back workout:

As mentioned in our other article “resistance bands vs free weights”, resistance bands are very beneficial for your overall workout. Along with being effective in helping you strengthen your muscles, resistance bands offer many more benefits as well such as; portability, more control over your workout and great for rehabilitation and recovery from injury.

As for resistance band back workout, this equipment offers you the ability to perform many of your usual back workouts in a safer and cheaper way. Therefore meaning you can get fit on a budget, from home and without risk of further injury.

What are the best resistance bands back workout:

1. Lat pull down

How to do a Lat pull down for resistance band back workout:

Start by taking hold of each side of a resistance band that is wrapped round a bar positioned above your head. Make sure the band is not slacking by stepping backwards. Then keep your elbows at shoulder level and begin to pull the two sides of the resistance band into your chest. Once your elbows are fully bent and the band is into your chest, hold for a brief moment and then return to the starting position. Repeat for required number of sets.

2. Back fly with band

How to do a back fly for resistance bands back workout:

Begin with your resistance band wrapped around a bar that is level with your chest. Taking hold of each end of the band keep your arms outright in front of you with your hands facing each other. Then pull your arms out to their sides at the same shoulder level position. Extend your arms fully out to their sides while keeping  a slight bend in your elbows. Return to starting position and repeat for required amount of reps.

3. Superman kneeling

How to do a superman kneeling for resistance bands back workout:

Starting of on your hands and knees, hold the resistance band in one of your hands and loop it round the opposite sides foot. So, in other words,  right hand to left foot, and left hand to right hand. Stretch out your resistance band held hand in front of you and at the same time stretch out the corresponding foot out behind you. Holding your balance for a few moments return to your starting position. Repeat for required amount of reps and then switch to the opposite sides.

4. Band upright row

How to do a band upright row for resistance bands back workout:

Place the resistance band under your feet and grab hold of the other side in both hands. Start by keeping hold of the band with your arms down, then pull the resistance band up with your arms. Raise the band by leading with your elbows and pulling your hands up to just under shoulder height. After holding for a few moments, lower your arms back down and repeat for required amount of reps.

5. Single arm row

How to do a single arm row for resistance bands back workout:

Loop the resistance band through your feet while standing in a lunge position. Grabbing the middle of the resistance band loop with one hand begin to raise it so you’re arm is in a 90 degree angle and your elbow are tucked into your body. Once completed the row movement, lower the resistance band so your arm is straight down again. Repeat for each required rep and then switch to opposite side of body.

Tips for resistance bands back workout:

  • Aim for around 3 sets of 8 reps with each exercise
  • Make sure to keep movement slow and work on your correct form
  • If needed start with an lighter resistance and work up from there
  • Focus on the muscle you are trying to engage
  • Keep core engaged, back straight and hips tucked in for best results.
If you want to find out more about the types of resistance bands there is check out our other blogs on “Latex free resistance bands” and “fabric resistance bands”.
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