The image shows a gym machine

Fitness game changers that will transform you

By: Ankush Tayade      Published: August 2022

One thing about fitness routines is that we all want to see results instantly! You might not be up for the hard work. However, if you want life changing results you need to put in the time and effort.

To get the fitness results you need you will need to suffer a little with your workout routines. The game changer tips are guaranteed to give incredible results to the average beginner and the fitness junkie.

You firstly need to set a goal for your self. Whether it’s getting that toned body you’ve been wanting for a while or you generally just want to be healthier and fitter. Then these are the right tips to get you there. Discipline and persistency goes a long way .

The Game changers will ensure that you are as they require persistency. All these tips should bot ben done in one full workout routine but over time make sure to incorporate them in your weekly routines.

Kettlebell swings

1. kettlebell swings

These are a good way of burning some fat, building bigger glutes and strengthening your grip amongst other benefits. If you have issues with your lower back, for instance you are experiencing pain these are beneficial for smoothing that out for you. You basically swing the kettlebells back and fourth, make sure you’re doing it in a safe environment as you don’t want to hurt anyone whilst doing these. Doing a set of ten of these every few minutes accomplishing at least five sets.

Keep adding more sets as you go, for example start with the ten then increase to twenty in the second set, the higher you go the more you increase each set by ten. You do not have to restrict yourself to the five sets you could do ten sets depending how comfortable you are with them, obviously if you are keen for those game changing results then the more you do the better it is for you.

2. load carries

As it is in the name. This is basically picking up some weight in your hands and carrying them as you go for a power walk.  These weights can range from anything you have around the house, it could be sandbags, rocks or even some dumbbells or kettlebells.

This sort of exercise is something that strengthens your biceps, core, grip, hip structure and traps. A good mixture of any of these items or whatever it is you have laying around the house is good. The more you do this the better results you’ll see.

3. original strength

This is basically stretching your body on a daily. Most of us are glued to our phones and this has essentially led for our nervous system not connecting to our bodies as well as it should.

It is highly recommended that you rotate you do some breathing exercises, crawl around the house. At this point I am expecting most of you to be like WTH!! But yes apparently the developmental process that infants go through is something we should all be replicating and incorporating as part of our daily exercises as it helps your body feel better and you are able to move around more freely. So please nod your head a little more, rock your body side to side at times.

4. movement snacks

Following up to the Original strength. Movement snacks are another kwirky form of exercise that is good for you. Apparently it prevents you from getting fat.

What are movements snacks you ask. Well, it’s in the name you take time out during your day to treat yourself with mini exercise routines. For example take a 10 minute walk during working hours, or right after you finished eating a meal make sure to walk it out a little.

This helps with nutrient portioning.  Or the days where you’ve had a long day and you are either exhausted or do not have enough time to do a full workout routine. You can simply just do a mini workout for to minutes. Squeeze in some push ups or sit ups, or go all out and do all plus quats but in a minimal time frame.

Grab a fit bit for your everyday fitness updates

All these are designed to keep us focused on our goal. To push yourself hard enough where you do not go weeks or a day without working out. Focus on mastering the basics of what you already have in your workout routine. We sometimes get overwhelmed with what new gym product is out on the market, sometimes it’s all about buying equipment that will be beneficial and to YOU. Equipment that YOU will actually use not shiny equipment that you’ll store away.

4. outline your weaknesses

Make sure you outline your weaknesses whether in is in your diet or it could be some form of exercise that you might hate. Focus on what exercises you are actually good at and be consistent with those. Having workout routines that you are not keen on will have you skipping workout routines for days.

Apply the 80/20 rule to your fitness journey. You can’t do all the exercise but stick to what you’re good at and do it well and be consistent. Make sure to have equipment that helps you keep track of your fitness journey. Goals are usually achieved when objectives are provided so that one can keep track of. There’s no point of blindly exercising when you do not have an idea of the progress or what it is that you need to actually work on. Make sure to purchase a fitbit.  

Stick to these tips, being fit is manageable and you will see the progress for yourself. Why have a fitness trainer when you can discipline yourself into staying fit and looking fit from the comfort of your own home.  If you have any more game changers that you would like to recommend please share in the comments section below.

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