The image shows a gym machine

The Best Home Gym Set for Home Workouts in 2023

By: Maria Ismail                  Published: 24th Oct 2023

In the midst of 2023, let’s reignite our fitness journey with the finest home gym equipment. While limited space might challenge our routines, these selected gym sets promise to revive our dedication. 


Discover the must-have equipment for the best home gym in 2023

Intermediate home gym set for home workouts


Dumbbells are one of the most popular exercise equipment for anyone’s home gyms. They are also usually the busiest areas in the public gym. Using dumbbells gives you the benefit of strengthening and toning specific muscle groups. They can be used in a range of common exercises, giving you a variety of ways you can increase the benefits you receive from your individual workouts. However, there are a few issues concerning the amount of space that regular dumbbells can take up. So we would suggest purchasing adjustable dumbbells, giving you the ability to change your weights and progress in your exercise. While also saving space so you can add more equipment to your home gyms…or garage.

  • UMI. Dumbbells

    UMI. 5kg Neoprene dumbbells are ideal for general muscle toning and conditioning. The weighted dumbbells can be used to add...

Kettlebell for home gym set

Kettlebells are an ideal piece of equipment for an all-around workout. Amplifying power and building powerful muscles and grip aren’t the only benefits to using a kettlebell. They also help with improving cardiovascular fitness and respiratory fitness, therefore making it the greatest non-running cardio alternative. The kettlebell brings a lot of benefits to your exercise routine. They are also relatively easy to store and transport, meaning you can work out anywhere you want.  This all in one body conditioning tool gives you the versatility and simplification you need to improve your training effectively.

Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are a key piece of your home workout equipment set if you are aiming to develop your coordination and balance, while also improving your power and explosiveness. Considered to be used mainly for plyometric training, medicine balls can also be Incorporated into your regular workouts when performing squats, lunges or core exercise. Making medicine balls great for  providing you with a versatile and portable kit to add to your set up, and helping you take your training to the next level. Just make sure you have a strong enough floor or wall though if you decide to slam the ball down.

Suspension Training for home gym 

Suspension training kits isn’t just tools that help you save valuable floor space, they also are an extremely effective total-body workout. By utilising gravity and your own body weight suspension training exercises helps you to build your strength, balance, flexibility and core all at the same time. It allows you to change the difficulty of your exercise depending on your body angle and momentum, and resistance. Therefore, allowing you to change up your workout and have clear progression for improvement. However, you should be cautious with this equipment as a beginner for your home gyms, as it can be difficult to start with the skills needed for a safe and effective workout.

Boxing Home gym set (Punching Bag and Gloves)

Cardio activities, like running and cycling, can often be seen as boring or a lot of effort, and isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, there are other ways that you can get into the cardiovascular training game without having to go outside in a pair of leggings. Boxing/pushing bags and gloves give you the opportunity to burn of your fat while also building explosive power. As long as you have some people you can imagine the punching bag as, then this will be an easy and feel good way to get fit quick.

Advanced home gym set for home workouts

Bench Press Home Gym Set

Adding a bench setup to home gyms is a great idea if you plan on doing a lot of lifting with weights. It can help strengthen your whole upper body, from forearms to triceps, to the all important pecs. Which obviously makes you more confident and make you look better in shirts. While also giving you the ability for awesome pec dances. The bench press is often an essential piece of equipment for a lot of people as it gives you the ability to perform a varied amount of exercise at different level. Thus, creating a great path to progression and improvement one step at a time.

Battle Ropes for home gym set

Maybe one of the more intimidating pieces of equipment that you can find at the gym. Battle ropes are actually quite a simple tool to use in your regular routine. It builds muscles in your arms, abs, upper back, glutes and also your legs. Although many people think that battle ropes lead to a lot of injuries and shoulder/back problems, it tends to come down to form. So with that being said be careful, the best way to use battle ropes is in a programme set in order to balance out your exercise.


Let’s be clear this isn’t a clothes rack or another waste of space, if you are serious about your home workouts you should seriously consider looking at purchasing a treadmill. We know that you feel as though you can just go outside and get the same amount of fitness done. However, you obviously don’t live in the UK then, because that would limit your cardio activity to maybe three times a year. Running became a big deal in lockdown and may people started to see the benefits of it and dare we say enjoyment.


Obviously spending more money will get you a better and more capable running machine. However there are lower-end options if you can’t quite convince yourself of all the benefits. Having your own personal treadmill will give you the opportunity to run when you want and how far you want, with the ability to stop whenever and not have to then turn around and run the same distance back home again. Treadmills are the perfect solution to improve your cardiovascular game without bracing yourself for the cold weather.

Exercise Bike

Cycling also came to the rise as another lockdown favourite activity. Everyone started buying bicycles and when the good weather arrived the cycle paths were busier than the M8 on a Monday morning. However as the winter came in that trend slowly declined and everyone’s bikes were back into the shed for next year. An exercise bike will allow you to keep on cycling even when it’s not ideal weather conditions. It also gives you the opportunity to have a quick training session in between zoom meetings without being late. Folding exercise bikes are also an option, allowing you to save valuable space when it’s not in use.

Find all these amazing gym equipment in our products section for cardio and strength

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