The image shows a gym machine

Top 9 best home exercise equipment for small spaces

By: Ankush Tayade      Published: August 2022

If you are in your mid 20s and above and currently live in a small flat. Looking for small home exercise equipment? Then this is for you! Most of us are not trying to pay for a monthly subscription to the gym. However, we are still trying to look and feel healthy. Let’s face it we all are now aware that you can work out from home and have equipment delivered to you at a low price.

We got some must haves that you can grab off amazon. All the equipment listed below you can easily keep away in storage when you’re not using them.

Exercise ball workout

1. Exercise balls

The great thing about exercise balls is that they are inflatable. Once you’re done with them one can easily deflate them. These are good for yoga amongst any other stretching exercises. Hec! You could even use them as a chair as you’re getting some work done at home. Home exercise just got easier!

2. boxing set

Amazon has some great deals on boxing pads and Gloves. Their punch boxing set is quite versatile as you can use it for kickboxing, karate, punching and just normal boxing. You can easily hang the gloves in your home by the cloak rack and store the punching back in a closet.

3. weighted hula hoop

This has been designed so that you can easily snap it once you’re done using it. It comes with instructions on how to assemble it. Also this is a fun little tool to incorporate in your home workouts. The workouts will essentially tone your abs and strengthen your core muscles.

4. H&S 2x Yoga block

This is the prefect portable exercise equipment you could have at your home or easily put it in your bag to have a yoga session with a friend. They are good for balance and offer good alignment for yoga all levels of yoga lovers, from beginners to advanced.

5. Sportneer ankle weights

Wearable ankle weights are helpful for exercise that specifically target the leg and hip muscles.  Downey from Harvard university says “The weight places a greater load on the muscle group being targeted. The muscles have to work harder to move this increased load against gravity, and in turn this will increase strength”. So that’s a great bonus to have around the house.

The set also includes wrist weights. These are worn around your wrists. You can wear them during a walk or an intense cardio workout. However these should not be worn at all times as it could lead to muscle imbalance. So make sure you use them for targeted workouts so instead of sometimes using dumbbells you can use the wrist weights.

6. surreal weighted vests

These are usually put from your heads and rest on your shoulders. Whist being strapped around the chest area which should then look like you’re wearing vest. You can adjust the amount of weights as they have pockets that will enable you to add or take some weights. However do not go over board and exceed 10% of your body weight as suggested by Downey of Harvard University.

7. bigzzia motorised treadmill/under desk treadmill

This slim design was designed to fit underneath the bed or desk for storage. Or you could even hide it under your office desk and use it on lunch breaks. It has a quiet motor and great shock absorption system.

It has an LCD display tracking your mileage, calorie burn, speed, and time. You have full control of hoe fast or slow you want to run.

I mean this gadget is a must have, do not waste any more time looking for a portable treadmill click here and you’ll have it purchased for you instantly.

8. fx ffex foam roller

This is great for your muscles. As it helps with relieving muscle tightness, inflammation. Sometimes one tends to be a little sore around the muscle area this tool is quite helpful for that too. You could either use this pre or post workout. Or have it done for both.

It is basically like a deep tissue massage which improves range of motion and mobility. Whilst enhancing muscular performance. It also speeds up muscle recovery.

9. gritin skipping rope

  1. Gritin Skipping rope

This easily adjustable skipping rope is an accessory everyone needs in their homes and work bags. It is easily portable and tangle free. Gone are the days were the ropes would get tangled up and we would have to get rid of them. You can literally workout anywhere with skipping ropes these days as it tones your muscles and burns fat.

Also its fun. Most of us have been jumping rope for years and for those who have never used one of these it basically hoping up and down making sure you miss the rope as you jump over it .

Now you no longer have any excuses to why you don’t have any type of exercise equipment in your flat. There’s not one equipment mentioned that is not portable. You could even carry them on trips. So you at least get a workout out of the way. Yes even on vacation, now we do not expect you to work out 24/7 but we expect you to maintain the momentum with some exercise.

Grab all your equipment from the links we have provided as we get a commission if you use our amazon links. We also have more exercise equipment ideas in our products section, they include all the benefits you’d need to know before you click the buy! Now go on and happy shopping. Remember the goal is to be healthy and live a longer life.

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