The image shows a gym machine

Tired of heavy weights and struggling to get through a workout. This article is gonna highlight resistance bands, what they are, why you should use them and the different types of resistance bands set uk that you can get.

What are resistance workouts:

Resistance bands are probably most known for their usage in rehabilitation and recovery. With athletes coming back from injury usually easing themselves into their full intense workouts.

However, now more than ever, more and more people are seeing the full benefits of resistance bands. And as a result they are utilising them more in their regular workout routines. So really what are they?

Well resistance bands are really quiet a simple piece of equipment. At its core they are rubbery bands that come in different lengths, shapes and resistances. Since each band can have different levels of equipment. Therefore giving you the opportunity to add resistance force to your workout without holding more weight.

In order to use resistance bands correctly to benefit your workout, it’s a good idea you pick the right ones for you. 

If you want to find out more about other exercise you can do with resistance bands, make sure to check some of our other articles like “Resistance bands vs free weights”.

Types of resistance bands set uk:

There are really 3 types of resistance bands set uk:

  1. Resistance tubes
  2. Pull-up resistance bands
  3. Resistance loop bands

Resistance tubes:

Tube resistance bands are mostly used to focus on your upper-body workouts. Targeting your chest, triceps, shoulders, and biceps this type of resistance bands is very popular.  

Resistance tubes allow you to work out each side of your body individually as it is not one big looped band. Therefore helping you improve each sides muscle balance. 

The tubes also allow you to use multiple together to increase the resistance even more. Therefore giving you some great progression opportunity.

Pull-up resistance bands:

Pull-up resistance bands are exactly what they say they are, used to assist you in pull-ups. The benefits of pull-ups for your upper-body workout are significant, however not everyone has the strength to actually achieve a pull-up. Therefore making this workout very exclusive.

This is where pull-up resistance bands come in, they are attached to your pull-up bar and give you the help you need to seek these benefits. However, the problem with this type of resistance band is the lack of it being universally used, as you need other pieces of equipment to be able to attach the bands onto.

Resistance loop bands:

These are probably the most common and most popular type of resistance bands being used right now. Resistance loop bands are most likely to be the image that comes to your mind when you hear the word resistance bands.

Loop bands are used for upper-body workouts, however they are also more commonly used for glute workouts. As they help improve your lower body exercises like squats. These bands are also very popular because of their portability and price point, as they are the cheapest out of all of the resistance band types.

Resistance bands set uk workouts:

As stated there are different types of resistance bands that are beneficial for specific workouts. Being able to do a range of exercise with this one piece of equipment makes it a valuable addition to your home gym setup.

Resistance bands help you work out your upper-body, lower body and core in a number of different ways. Making it easier for your to exercise on the road or at home.

If you want to find out more about other exercise you can do with resistance bands, make sure to check some of our other articles like “Resistance bands vs free weights”.


Check out some of our other articles like “how to burn more calories” and “how to boost your immune system”.

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