The image shows a gym machine

Effective home workouts for pregnant women

By: Ankush Tayade      Published: August 2022

We’ve added a different blog. I mean if you’ve read our previous blogs. We’ve given you some tips on at home workouts. We have also shared some links on where to purchase some cheap exercise equipment on amazon.

We want to make our website very inclusive, and we know that women face different challenges during pregnancy and post pregnancy. You might not be expecting or have recently expected. However, this could be handy when you do. Or you might want to share the tips we have with a friend or family that you know this could be useful to.

Staying fit whilst you’re pregnant is important. Finding ways to stay active is not just good for you but also for the baby. So before we throw at you the best pregnancy home workouts.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) have given beneficial reasons to why one must stay active when you’re pregnant as it will lower the risks of;

  • Caesarean birth
  • Preterm birth
  • More weight gain than expected during the term of pregnancy
  • Lower birth weight

Working out will help with your mental health during pregnancy. It will also reduce lower back pain, especially as the tummy area begins to get bigger your body is adapting. A lot of Ladies go through different hormonal mood during pregnancy and as mentioned before the mental health can get affected, so more exercises will help avoid anxiety and depression.

For all the ladies fearing postpartum depressions, staying active will improve postpartum recovery.

We would advise you to get clearance from your doctor before engaging in hard core exercise routines. As everyone’s pregnancy varies.

trimester one exercises

Pelvic Curl Pilates

This is where you lie on your back with your bent and your feet are faced flat on the floor. Make sure you live a little space between your back near the pelvis area to the floor. Then you basically lift your bum up gently whilst exhaling and you do this repeatedly. All you need for this is a yoga mat.


These are the kneeling pushups where you are essentially working on your upper body strength. You basically lay flat on your tummy. Then you use your hands and knees to push up. You can always start with a few then pick up to more as you go along.


Squats For these, as you would with any normal squats. Squat all the way down however your bum shouldn’t hit the floor and bring it back up. Make sure you take it easy with this one. Be gentle with yourself and don’t rush the process. Whilst you are squatting don’t forget to exhale and inhale as you bring yourself back up to a standing position. A couple of sets would be ideal maybe 10 for each set. A total of 2 to 3 sets.

second trimester exercises

At this point your body might have adapted to the pregnancy and some might say they start to feel high levels of energy. At this stage you are not expected to do high intensity exercises at all. Plus, you don’t want to do exercises that have you laying on your back a lot.

Here are a few second trimester at home exercises you should try;

Leg lifts

You basically have your body in a side lying position with legs straight on top of each other, then you raise your top leg back and down. You’ll do this repeatedly. Make sure you’re laying comfortably.

Mermaid stretch

Whilst the baby is growing the baby could possibly create pressure on your ribs or sometimes your diaphragm. So, with this exercise you sit on the floor or on a yoga mat and you have both knees bent and have your legs on the left or right side. Then whilst your lower part of your body is on the floor, you gently just stretch your arms wide as you swing to the left to the right. However, you should make sure that you’re inhaling and exhaling as you’re stretching side to side. Remember as the name suggests have your body sitting in a mermaid position.

third trimester exercises

At this point your body is slowly preparing itself for labour. This is not a time to apply too much pressure on your body however a bit of exercise is healthy. It’s the simple things at this point that you should be actively doing.

Walking is something that should be done, make sure you take strolls within the neighbourhood or instead of getting in the car to run an errand maybe walking could be an alternative.

Swimming is another form of exercise one could do. Doesn’t apply to much pressure on the body and this could be considered as fully body workout. As you would be using your entire body.

yoga stretch

Yoga and Pilates is highly encouraged too. As this work on your pelvic. Yoga will generally make you feel calm and ease muscle tension. Whilst breathing and meditating this will be relaxing for you and the baby. It also improves your circulation and tones your muscles plus it makes you amazingly flexible. However not all yoga postures are necessary. We would highly recommend avoiding lying on your tummy postures.

At this point just make sure you avoid all exercise that could potentially make you lose balance and fall. Exercises that have you in control of your entire body are safer for both you and the baby.

In conclusion make sure that you’re active throughout the pregnancy. If at any point in time, there’s some discomfort during the exercise make sure you stop. Do not push yourself at all as your body is not at it’s normal state. As advised earlier make sure you talk to the doctor. Be persistent with your exercises. Remember this is something that is supposed to help not just you but the baby.

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