The image shows a gym machine

Buying gym equipment can be a little scary as we are more likely to think of how much it will cost, or rather “will I be able to afford it?”.  Or others would say “is it necessary? I could just sign up at the nearest gym instead”. Whilst another common excuse is “some of us are too lazy to even go to the gym”. So here’s a solution for all of that. There’s actually a few affordable gym equipment you can purchase and use in the comfort of your own home.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, most countries had gone through a lockdown and people found themselves working out from home. I mean it didn’t just become part of a fitness and health regime, it was becoming more and more of an enjoyable leisure activity as people could literally not go anywhere.

I mean lets face it, going to the gym has become a lifestyle. We have more people using it as a space to create content and upload on social media platforms, which lives little to no privacy for others that just want to use the gym and not have to be socially aware of people recording videos or taking pictures. No shade to those trying to create content in the gym however for those that are just there for a simple work out session it become socially awkward for them.

Don’t waste your money on gym subscriptions

Why waste your money on monthly or yearly gym subscriptions when you can put the money towards buying once off equipment you could use for a lifetime!

First thing to buy on your list should be;

  • Exercise equipment mat ; “are exercise mats really necessary or can I just use a regular yoga mat?” Well the upside of exercise mats are that they are much thicker than yoga mats, they protect you from higher impact movements. They also provide good grip when you are performing physical movements especially whilst doing cardio. Exercise mats are essentially great for aerobics, gymnastics, Pilates or you could even carry it along with you to the gym or if you’re planning an outdoor camping trip. It is portable and comfortable.
  • Skipping rope; Now as simple as it sounds, one of the most effective and quickest exercise methods is to probably skip. Most of us already know how to skip. So why not incorporate it into you part of your work out regime. I mean you could easily carry it in your handbag or put it in your luggage for that quick business meeting you might have or that quick getaway. It is an essential and functional piece of equipment to have. Gone are the generic ones where you would have issues with the length, some were too short whilst others were too long. The ones we provide come customised, so no need to worry on whether it is long or short enough as you are able to specify your height needs.
  • Dumbbells; every good exercise routine requires a little bit of lifting. I mean we all don’t need to be heavy lifters to look and feel fit however we do need to lift a little weight. According to the American Health Council, dumbbells help with the coordination and stability for muscles and joints, they activate different muscles and stimulate muscle growth. Strengthening the muscles could also help in preventing chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. So aside from the look of having great muscles on you, you’re internally protecting yourself from harmful diseases. We would highly recommend the hex and studio dumbbells for beginners.

There are five main types of dumbbells to have in your home.

  • Adjustable; these are for people who are looking for a variety of different sizes of weights for their training sessions, and are easily storable in a big or small space.
  • Round; these look like bowling balls, which may be a safety hazard to have around the house as they can roll off unless stored on a rack
  • Fixed; not too great for home equipment if you have a small space however if you have a big space for home gym equipment, then these are a good fit.
  • Hex; probably the cheapest one
  • Studio; great for people new to using dumbbells and affordable.
  • Exercise stability Ball; some of us probably already have one of these laying around the house somewhere collecting dust. However for those who do not have one of these or have one and are unsure on what they could use it for here are a few things that stability balls are useful for;
  • It targets those core muscles that you cant get from a normal workout, essentially your abdominal muscles (back muscles and pelvic ones too).

Stability balls will essentially improve your core balance and increase the effectiveness of your work out routine. Further research shows that you’re more likely to get efficient results from doing workouts on a stability ball on the floor. Those muscles you don’t use in bodyweight exercises are usually used through exercising with stability balls, so this essentially killing to birds with one stone as you’re internally working on both your biceps and rear deltoids. It’s a WIN!

  • Finally lets talk about Resistance bands!!! First thing anyone thinks when they see resistant bands, is what the hec are those used for? Resistance bands are usually used for rehabilitative exercises. They are now so more than ever used for stretching, used after or before an intense workout or at any point in time to improve flexibility in muscles and joints. There are different types of resistant bands and usually the thicker the band the better the resistance.

You will not have to go out of your way nor leave your home, its simple grab all the stuff on amazon and you will be ready to start your work outs asap right in the convenience of your own home!

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